There is a lot of talk over the flu shot this year. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun massive advertising campaigns for all of us to get our Flu shot this year. Consequently, we understand the why’s to getting the Flu shot, but they fail to provide us with information as to why not. This peer review post is to provide you with information so you can THINK and decide what is best for you and your family. Both sides of the story should be understood, but this is not to replace your medical doctor’s care. Being mindful of the facts allows you to ask questions, challenge the norm and make a choice that best suits you and your family.
The Flu shot is a vaccine that contains killed Influenza (flu) virus that is grown in eggs and given by injection. It contains ingredients that can be harmful to your health and should be noted. Let’s take a look at them.
- Ethylene glycol is antifreeze
- Phenol (carbolic acid) is a disinfectant and a dye
- Formaldehyde is a preservative that is cancer causing
- Aluminum is a toxic metal that is linked to Alzheimer’s, seizures and cancer
- Thimerosal is a mercury disinfectant and a preservative which is linked to brain injury and autoimmune disease
- Neomycin and Streptomycin are antibiotics that can create allergic reactions
- Grown in eggs which can create allergic reactions and shock for people with egg allergies
Side effects” really is an odd term when it comes to medications. After all, whatever effects a medicine potentially creates in the body is an EFFECT, good or bad. I often wonder why the effects the medical paradigm believe are good are considered the effect and the bad ones are coined “side effects.” THINK about that. All effects of a medication are reactions to that medication. Some “side effects” are actually quite dangerous for some and shouldn’t be so disregarded and loosely phrased. Be mindful here. Below area some effects of the Flu shot:
- Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site
- Low grade fever and aches and pains
- Allergic reactions, breathing problems, hoarseness, wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, fast heartbeats and dizziness
- Guillain Barre Syndrome which is a condition which the body attacks its own nerve cells
Symptoms of having the Flu are fever, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, diarrhea and vomiting. The Flu has been reported to be harmful for elderly people, however research does not reflect mortality rates decreasing in groups given the Flu shot compared to those who did not receive the Flu shot. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated that you should NOT take the Flu shot if one of the following situations applies.
- Less than 6 months old
- Sick at the time of getting the shot
- History of Guillian Barre Syndrome
- Allergic or hypersensitive to eggs or another vaccine of same nature
- If you have asthma, an underlying medical condition, diabetes, renal problems, immune deficiency disease and are taking aspirin
Flu strains generally change from one year to the next. Scientist work hard with hopes of picking the right strain for the winter time, but its pretty much a shot in the dark. It has been reported that they have a 70% chance of doing so. The Flu vaccine is one of those controversial topics, but it challenges you to THINK about what you are putting into your body and for what reason. Its OK to awaken to questioning what we inject, eat or do to our bodies. Are the vaccines risks worse than the actual virus? Do you feel that getting the Flu is something that is so potentially life threatening that it outweighs the harm the ingredients or “side effects” can impose now or years later? It’s your mind; your body; your life. It’s OK to pause and Think before you inject, honest. It’s OK whatever you decide, but it’s my job to provide information that may pass you by. Live well.
For more information about the Flu or other vaccines visit the National Vaccine Information Center at www.NVIC.org.
This is a peer review post of medical research by Dr. Claudia Anrig. Further information can be provided. Intention is not to replace medical care or flu shot choice. This is an informative peer review post only.