Well, it’s officially Summer, and the weather here in New Jersey is actually showing it too. So I thought I’d discuss some of the issues that seem to arise this time of year.
Oh, the stories we chiropractors hear on the Mondays of summer, as the refugees of over-ambition arrive for care, those who squeezed as much as possible into the all-too-brief summer weekends, often squeezing past the feedback of their bodies. “I did this, we did that, I had to do this, we couldn’t pass up doing that, do you think that’s why I feel like this now?,” etc.
As we all are aware, subluxations can occur when the spine and nerve system become subjected to a force (stress) that is strong enough to overcome the resistance of the body. These stresses can be physical, mental/emotional, or chemical.
Summertime has its own unique pulse and pace, and our lives reflect that. So, now that we are in summer, let’s explore subluxations that can occur as a response to this season – topics for today to include allergies, gardening, air conditioning, sports, and travel.
Many have become conditioned to expect that they’ll have allergies during the summer, and their current resource on how to respond effectively is limited to the inescapable drug commercials on TV and in magazines. They are, in fact, missing a big opportunity to improve their health by recognizing what their bodies are asking for by producing allergy symptoms: better care of the immune system (and the whole body in general).
The immune system is designed to respond to allergens by manufacturing the appropriate amount of chemicals needed to neutralize these allergens, and if there is interference (subluxations), the body cannot properly respond.
Suppression, depression or alteration of the immune system through products designed for this purpose offer limited and often negative, short and long-term effects. A spine free of subluxations can give your body a better chance to do what it needs to do to better balance body chemistry.
Now, to “gardening spine.” The art of gardening can include passion, obsession, Houdini-like contortions, the overloading of reluctant muscles, chemical assault, and oh, yes, peace. Remember that subluxations result from stress that the body cannot recover from. Chiropractic-wise gardeners know to listen when their bodies plead for alternate positions, giving muscles a chance to recover. And, they know to stop and “smell the roses” while working in the garden to refresh their mind and emotions. All living things benefit from regular care, so as you would check for weeds that can interfere with your garden, you’ll want to be checked for subluxations that can interfere with your life.
Air conditioning is something I can never imagine not having during the summer. Yet, it’s important to consider the stress load on the body’s temperature control center. As you move from unnaturally cold interiors to a hot exterior, the body receives confusing information as to what season it is. And, the majority of air pollution (we are told) is indoors, in sealed buildings, impacting respiratory and immune systems for many. This environmental stress taxes the human body, and yes, a body free from subluxations can better help you adapt better.
Water-skiing, hiking, mountain biking, swimming, rafting, softball, baseball, etc., are all activities of summer that can be enormous fun. But, they are a lot more fun if we are healthy. One of the great benefits of chiropractic care is that the body develops and moves towards health and organization instead of the chaos and disorganization that are associated with subluxations. Symmetry and coordination in the body can make a big impact on performance, enjoyment, and recovery in all sports, a benefit many Olympians and top athletes who utilize chiropractic appreciate.
Travel is such a big summer activity; it could easily have its own article. A small list of potential things that can help contribute to subluxations include: sleeping in strange beds; eating foods that you do not normally eat; performing activities that your body may be not used to; sitting for long periods of time in a car, airplane, or other forms of transportation; disrupted sleep schedule; the list can go on and on.
Having a spine free of subluxation will help you better adapt to these summertime situations, but it may be inevitable that they may cause a subluxation. Just make sure you keep your scheduled appointments or maybe even get checked a little more frequently than you normally would. Let’s make this a healthy and enjoyable summer for all.